How to Wash Smelly Gym Clothes?

Going to the gym is one of the fun things you can do to maintain good health. With the many activities you can do in the gym, sweat and smell are non-negotiable. It’s probably one of the places where you sweat a lot. That said, knowing how to wash smelly gym clothes is essential.

Washing Gym Clothes

Unlike other types of clothing in your closet, Gym clothes can be different and must be treated differently. Depending on their needs, clothes after use can need different things or intensity of wash process.

For example, some could have heavy stains, and some could have less. Others can be significantly smelly and, therefore, need to be washed separately, and some have sensitive fabrics to consider. Here is a fairly easy way to wash your gym clothes. This method also offers an effective process of removing smell from your clothes.

Things you need to prepare

  • Water
  • Detergent
  • Wash container
  • White vinegar
  • Baking Soda
  • Washing Machine


Washing Gym Clothes

  1. The first thing you need to make sure of is that your clothes are dry. Do not wash them when they are damp; instead, let them get a good dry first. Workout clothes often do not have enough time to dry, significantly when you just toss them in the hamper immediately or plunge them at the bottom of a gym bag. Germs that produce unpleasant odors flourish in moist conditions. And so, making sure the clothes are dry before washing them decreases the growth of bacteria. This way, the unpleasant scents are not embedded in the fabric.
  2. Prepare a gallon of water and pour it into a container accommodating your wash load. Pour the white vinegar and baking soda onto the water, creating an effective cleaning mixture. These two regular items in your kitchen can be used to create a potent deodorizing treatment.
  3. You should soak your workout gear for 30 minutes before washing them. This way, the cleaning agents have ample time to battle the stains and foul odors.
  4. Detergent loses its effectiveness if applied in excess, so make sure you don’t overdo it. Too much detergent can do more harm than good to your clothes. Detergent residue can act like a sponge, soaking up sweat and trapping lingering odors, so only use the amount specified.
  5. Turning workout wear inside out before washing can improve the machine’s efficiency. As an added precaution, only put it in with items made from the same material.
  6. Wash as you usually do.

Washing High-Performance Active Wear

Things you need to prepare

  • Cool Water
  • Container or sink
  • White Vinegar
  • Mild Detergent or Detergent for high-performance fabrics
  • Washing machine set to a gentle cycle
  • Drying rack


  1. The first step to washing high-performance activewear is to prepare four cups of cold water in the sink or any suitable container to hold the clothes you have to wash.
  2. Prepare one cup of white vinegar and pour it into the water.
  3. Put your athletic gear in the basin and let it sit for up to 30 minutes. It can be shorter but make sure it stays at least 15 minutes, as you need to give the clothes and the cleaning agent enough time to do their job.
  4. After soaking, the next step is to rinse the clothes in cold water and hang them up to dry.
  5. Do not mix whites with colored garments, and separate them before washing.
  6. You should also ensure that the zippers are closed and flip the item inside out before throwing them in the washing machine.
  7. Make sure you choose a suitable detergent for your gym clothes. This can be achieved through trial and error, but also you can look into the detergent and see if they are made for activewear specifically.
  8. Put in around two teaspoons’ worth of laundry detergent or how much is recommended by the product. Note that adding more won’t help eliminate the smell or stains if present. In fact, it could just cause more trouble, so make sure you add just the right amount.
  9. Set your machine to a moderate cycle, and make sure you use cool water. Washing your workout clothes in hot water can cause fiber damage.
  10. As soon as you finish washing, opt for air drying rather than putting them in the dryer. It’s good to dry them the traditional way to avoid fabric damage.

Tips for Getting Rid of Sweat Smell

Tips for Getting Rid of Sweat Smell

It can be challenging to get rid of the sweat smell, especially if you don’t know how to handle the fabric of your workout clothes. However, if you are the type to toss them in the hamper mindlessly, you should consider learning more about handling them. Here are some tips to help you prepare and wash your gym clothes.

Tip 1: Make sure they are dry before placing them in your hamper or laundry bag

A clump of sweaty workout clothing at the bottom of the hamper is a perfect environment for germs to multiply. These germs are also responsible for the stinky smell, so you don’t want to encourage them. If you aren’t washing them immediately, you should put out any items of clothing that have been sweating so that they may get some air.

Tip 2: The Freeze Remedy

If you don’t have the time to wash your gym clothes immediately, freezing them will buy you some time. You can keep them as long as possible without letting the bacteria spread. The freezing air kills bacteria and stenches until laundry day.

Tip 3: Inside-out technique

Turning over garments allows the detergent to penetrate regions close to the skin during activity. This is also a fantastic approach to eliminate any lingering underarm smell and the occurring yellow sweat stains.

Tip 4: Was gym clothes with gym clothes

Lint from other fabrics can clog the fibers of elastic training apparel, making it more difficult to clean.

Tip 5: No fabric softener for now

You might want to skip this part of your usual wash cycle for a thorough clean. Fabric softeners have the potential to clog fibers preventing water and detergent from performing a more thorough cleaning. They can also have a negative effect on moisture levels and prevent the growth of odor-causing bacteria.

Tip 6: Lemon juice is not just for drinks, indeed!

Lemon juice’s citric acid can disintegrate the fatty acids in sweat and other body oils. This process allows for neutralizing any lingering odors, so your clothes get that extra boost of freshness.

Removing Sweat Stains

Have you ever encountered those annoying gray or yellow stains in your workout clothes? These stains are usually camping in lighter-colored garments and can be a real issue as they can stick for a long time without proper care. Keep in mind that most athletic wear is built from synthetic fibers, and these types are best handled with cold water.


  1. Soak it in warm water first before rinsing it well.
  2. Twist, squeeze, and dry the clothes.
  3. Combine the following kitchen staple to make a cleaning mixture:
  • Baking soda paste
  • White vinegar
  • Detergent
  1. Soak your gym clothes in the mixture and let them get to work for up to 30 minutes.
  2. After soaking, it’s time to wash your gym clothes with normal, cool water and the recommended amount of detergent.

Clean and Fresh! Tips on Washing Gym Clothes

Clean and Fresh! Tips on Washing Gym Clothes

When it comes to washing clothes, learning new things is always a possibility. As you go on with your weekly laundry, you know simple hacks or a different and more efficient method to clean your clothes. Here are some washing gym clothes tips collated from washers worldwide.

Tip 1: Make sure the clothes are stainless before tossing them in the dryer

If you toss gym clothes with sweat stains in the dryer, the heat can be a significant factor in potentially setting the stain.

Tip 2: Time is of the essence

When it comes to gym clothes, time is critical as you must wash the garments as soon as possible to prevent bacteria from spreading.

Tip 3: Activewear is different from regular clothes

The vast majority of athletic apparel is extremely fragile and sensitive, so they require special care when being laundered.

Tip 4: Cold water is the way to go

Synthetic materials shrink when exposed to hot water as the material is weakened. Therefore, the overall durability of your gym clothes will be significantly improved if you opt for a gentle cycle with cold water.

Tip 5: Do not overpour detergent

Using additional detergent or more than the recommended amount can potentially harm synthetic materials. Using too much detergent might leave a layer of residue that is difficult to remove from the laundry.

Tip 6: Always choose air dry

Dryers use heat and friction, which can be damaging to sensitive clothes.

Tip 7: Soaking works

The cleaning mixtures introduced are always an excellent way to clean gym clothes. These are also easy to make and very helpful.


Knowing how to wash smelly gym clothes saves time and helps you maximize your clothes. However, mindlessly washing gym clothes can only lead to early damage and cost a considerable amount of their lifespan.

Unfortunately, many clothes do not make it as long because of faulty washing, so it always pays to know the basics and the dos and don’ts of washing.


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