How to Take Pictures of Clothes to Sell?

Selling online has been very prevalent, especially in the last two years. Now that the market has moved closer and has been leaning more toward the online platform, the marketing has relied more on taking good pictures of the product.

As an online seller, it’s essential to know how to take photos of clothes to sell.

Why Good Pictures of Clothes Matter

how to take pictures of clothes to sell online

Pictures are pretty much a non-negotiable when it comes to selling online. When selling clothes, photos of your items serve multiple purposes and are one of the key points that lead to profit.

Get buyers interested – Get good impressions for your product.

Before purchasing online, the first form of product scanning a buyer can have is browsing through the photos. This way, they can make up their mind about whether they like how your product looks.

A series of images allows you to highlight and show off your product. Photos allow the buyers to glimpse the product’s details and overall visual characteristics. As much as photos get the buyers interested in your product, they can also do the opposite.

Brand building

In an online business, before getting customers, you need to establish your brand first. This way, you have the chance to leave a good and strong impression on the potential customers.

Yes! The aesthetic and the overall quality of your products’ photos matter. People will judge whether they want your product or not in just one glance or so.

And so, a consistent series of good photos showcasing the best of your products will build your brand positively. Eventually, your business will reach a large population of new buyers and retain those who have transacted and now have made a trust with your store.

A preview of what to expect

It’s challenging enough to build your brand and work on an excellent series of photos. On the other hand, you also need to be honest about your product and its quality.

Many online stores experience returned goods because of how their customers did not receive what they expected. These situations can decrease customer trust.

Online reviews are a significant part of online selling, and accumulating a lot of negative reviews will eventually cause your business to flop. In conclusion, good-quality photos capture genuine conditions and deliver transparency between two parties.

Taking Pictures of Clothes to Sell: Type of Clothing Photography

selling clothes online pictures

First and foremost, you would need to test and choose what type of photography would suit your products more. It could be totally up to you, or you can select by asking opinions from trusted friends and those with extra knowledge about product photography.

Choosing the type of photography allows you to stock up on the necessary materials and equipment for the process. Anyway, here are the types of photography you can choose from.


Most clothing lines invest in hiring a model. You can opt for this option, too, when you have the opportunity and the means. Employing a model may be costly, especially when hiring someone well-known.

However, this will boost your sales and make up for your investment. A model can flaunt and pose any way you want to showcase the product and emphasize its strengths.

Having models wear the clothes will also give more than just emphasis. It can also serve as a reference for your customers. Overall, it’s an excellent way to showcase the clothes’ image when worn.


Using mannequins is also an excellent way to take your photos. This is quite different from hiring a model. This option is more limited as you deal with inanimate objects to highlight your products for you.

There are limited poses and no movement at all. However, you can always have your preferred size and material for mannequins.

Mannequins are also cheaper than hiring a model, and you can use them for display after taking photos. In taking pictures of clothes worn by mannequins, you can take as many shots as you want.

Apart from that, you can re-do some images after the session whenever you feel like it’s missing something. Overall, mannequins are convenient and valuable too.

More Types to Explore

how to take photos of clothes to sell

Flat lay

Flat lay or tabletop photography has been popular because of social media, and honestly, it is one creative way to showcase your products.

In this method, you won’t be needing a model or any mannequin, and you will work with what you have and be as creative as possible. All you need to do is lay the clothes flatly onto a flat surface in your preferred way.

You can be as creative as you like and incorporate a lot of accessories, designs, backdrops, etc. Flat lays are very good for publications and display photos to attract customers with your creativity.

360 Photography

This type of photography allows you to demonstrate the product more. This type of photography allows the customers to see the item in full rotation.

This way, the customer can look and scan it as if it’s real life. It can give a clearer mental image of the dimensions, size, and more about its elements and combinations.

This can be more challenging than other photography styles, but it would be worth it. Ensure you have helping hands when you opt and proceed with this style.

A Guide to Taking Pictures of Clothes to Sell

how to photograph clothes for sale


The star of the night! A camera is paramount in taking product pictures. The difference in camera is very noticeable. This being said, having a good camera is equal to having good photos.

In product photography, investing in a DSLR is recommended. This type of camera gives a more professional look to your products and offers more settings and aperture options. However, a good phone camera would be enough when you have a tight budget.

Lighting and backdrop

A good product photo requires the proper lighting and a good backdrop. Lighting allows for good detail exposure for your products so that clients can get a better look at your products.

A lighting kit would be an excellent investment, especially in the line of business you are getting into. It’s better to own your gear than renting or borrowing.

Prepare the clothes

This step includes making sure that your items are ready and presentable. You may need to iron or steam them to remove creases that affect the photos.

Not preparing the products is a rookie mistake. It’s one of the essential parts of product photography. Presentable items would require you minor time editing, and it gets rid of the possibility of ruining the photos, etc. It’s a total time saver.

Taking Pictures of Clothes: Photo Types and Angles

taking pictures of clothes to sell

In taking photos of your products, it’s essential to know your preference and to get to know your market.

Some would prefer fewer photos, but for your buyer to totally grasp as many details of your products as they can, you would need to upload as many images as needed. The number of photos ranges from at least 6-8, and you can opt for more.

  • Front picture – Yes. This is probably considered as the “face” of a clothing item. And so, it’s essential to have a good photo of the face.
  • Back picture – Fashion items can also have extra details at the back that are important to showcase. Many women’s apparel is now incorporating elements and unique cuts in the back part of an item. Nevertheless, the customers need to know how the clothes look in the back.
  • Material tags – You can be selling something manufactured by another brand or perhaps your brand. It would be best to take a picture of it and include it in the series. If you happen to sell your brand, this is excellent for brand promotion and building.
  • Interior – If you happen to be taking photos of coats or jackets, it’s also essential to show your customers their interior.
  • Extra details – many fashion items have their own unique and noticeable patterns. Your clothes may have something special in their composition that you might want to highlight, like a stylish button, ribbons, lovely prints and designs, embroidery, embellishments, and others.
  • Flaws (if there are any) – yes, honesty is essential when selling. This builds trust between you and your buyers. It’s not right to make high hopes only to break it down and disappoint their expectations. If your products have minor dents and problems, it’s good to disclose them and include a picture of them in the series. This way, your customers have an idea of the problem and can choose whether they would go for it or not. Transparency is also essential when building a good name for your company.


In today’s changing world of business, pictures have become one of the non-negotiables. Your product needs a series of photos to attract customers and gain profit through purchase.

This emphasizes how important it is to take pictures of clothes to sell. It’s essential not only for your business but also for the buyers.


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