How To Get Curry Out of Clothes? (Step-By-Step Guide)

Curry is a popular Indian delicacy known for its rich flavors. The mixture of different spices gives this dish its distinct golden yellow color. What if you accidentally spill some sauce on your precious shirt? This article will teach you how to get curry out of clothes using everyday household items.

How to Remove Curry Stains from Clothes

how to get curry stain out

The key to removing stubborn curry stains is to manage them as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more your garment will absorb the sauce. There are several household products that you can use to pretreat stains. These products will work on the stains even before the washing process.

Steps in Removing Curry Stains From Clothes:

Step 1: Scrape the Excess Sauce

Try to remove excess curry by scraping or scooping it with a butter knife or spoon. Be careful not to spread out the sauce and make the stain bigger.

Step 2: Wash the stained area with water.

Go to a faucet where there’s cold running water. Turn the clothing inside out and let the water run over the stained area. This step will loosen some of the stains.

Step 3: Apply a pretreatment product.

You may choose a pretreatment product from a list that you can find later in this article. For household ingredients, you may use an amount that is just enough to saturate the stained area. On the other hand, if you will use store-bought stain removers, it would be best to follow the package instructions.

Gently rub the product on the stained area using your fingers. Leave it on for 15 to 30 minutes. Rinse the product with running water and launder in a washing machine.

Step 4: Launder the garment in the washing machine.

Choose the hottest water setting in washing the clothing. Add regular bleach for white clothes and color-safe bleach for colored ones. You may also use oxygenated bleach, a chlorine-free and non-toxic solution that removes stains.

Toss the stained garments in the washing machine and launder as usual. After the wash cycle and there are still traces of the stain, proceed to the next step. If none, you can dry the clothes in the dryer.

Step 5: Soak the fabric in a water and hydrogen peroxide solution.

Create a saturated solution by mixing nine parts of cold water with one part hydrogen peroxide. Immerse the garment in the solution for 30 minutes. Then, wash as you usually would.

Here’s a video that can help you if you want a more visual guide on how to remove the curry from clothes:

Pretreatment Products You Can Use to Remove Curry Stains

There are several household and store-bought products that you can use to pretreat your clothes. As mentioned earlier, the key to successfully removing the stain is to treat the stain as soon as possible. The following products can loosen the stains even before they get absorbed by the fabric.

Pretreatment Products That Can Help Remove Curry Stains


how to remove curry stains from clothing

Lemons are natural, versatile cleaners. They can eliminate curry stains from garments, upholstery, carpets, and chopping boards. This fruit is especially effective in removing curry stains from white fabrics because its citric acid content is a natural bleaching agent.


how to get curry stains out of clothes

The solvent glycerin is water-soluble and can absorb moisture in the air. These qualities allow it to soften and remove curry stains. A great tip would be to first apply the glycerin in a hidden area of your fabric to check if it will damage it.

Stain Remover

remove curry stain

A stain remover is one of the best options for curry-off clothes since they are designed to do the job. It would be best to have a bottle at home for spot cleaning and easy stain removal. You’ll see several brands in the market, so you may want to ask for referrals for the best one.

Vinegar and liquid hand soap

how to get curry stains out

Make a homemade stain remover solution by mixing two cups of cold water, one tablespoon of white vinegar, and one teaspoon of hand soap. The vinegar’s acetic acid content effectively removes curry stains from clothes.

Rubbing Alcohol

how to remove curry stains

Rubbing alcohol is more than a disinfectant. It can also remove curry stains from your clothes. This solvent is known to dissolve significant oily stains, so it’s perfect for curries since they contain coconut or olive oil. Rubbing alcohol can also be an excellent stain remover for upholstery and carpet as well.

Hydrogen Peroxide

how to get out curry stains

Hydrogen peroxide is a familiar mainstay in first aid kits and medicine cabinets. Aside from treating wounds, it can also get curry out of fabrics. It breaks up the stain’s chemical bonds, making the curry’s color invisible. This solution is safe to use and has no toxic fumes.

How to Remove Curry Stains from Special Fabrics

how to get rid of curry stains

How to Get Curry Out of Dry Clean Only Clothes

Some fabrics such as wool, rayon, or cashmere are meant to be dry cleaned only. However, if you want to treat them at home, you can follow these simple instructions.

  1. Scrape off any curry residue with the edge of a spoon or a butter knife. Make sure not to use a cloth or a sponge to scrub the stain. It will only spread it and make it worse.
  2. Mix 500 ml of lukewarm water with one tablespoon of borax powder. Apply the borax solution to the stain using a clean sponge.
  3. Avoid saturating the stain with the solution. It would be best to apply a small amount and blot the affected area with a paper towel or absorbent cloth.
  4. Keep on doing steps two and three until the paper towel comes out clean.
  5. Rinse the area using a sponge dipped in clean, cold water when the stain is gone.
  6. Air-dry the garment indoors or outdoors in a shady area. Please make sure not to hang it under direct sunlight.

How to Eliminate Curry Stains from White Clothing

It can be frustrating to spill curry on your white clothes accidentally. The stain will be hard to camouflage since it stands out like a beacon. However, there’s a stain treatment that can help you save your precious white garments.

  1. Make a stain remover solution by mixing nine parts of water and 20% volume hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Transfer the solution into a spray bottle. Shake it well.
  3. Spray the liquid on the affected spot and let it sit for four hours.
  4. Launder the garment in the washing machine using instructions from the apparel’s care label.
  5. It would be a great idea to air dry the garment instead of the dryer. Make sure not to leave it under the sun for a long time since it might discolor the clothing.

Check out this video to help you get started on removing curry or turmeric stains from your favorite white clothes.

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4 Interesting Facts About Curry

how to remove curry stain from clothes

The word “curry” often evokes feelings of warmth and adventure. Its memorable aroma and fascinating flavor profile are treats for the senses. Behind this meal are exciting details that will make you appreciate and perhaps crave this dish even more.

1. Curry means “gravy or sauce.”

Contrary to common belief, curry is not a spice or flavor, but rather it’s a Tamil word that means “gravy or sauce .” It is often cooked with tofu, vegetables, or meat and served on white or Basmati rice. Curry contains many different spices, which you can adjust based on the level of heat that you want.

2. Curry is highly nutritious.

The three main ingredients of curry are cumin, turmeric, and coriander. The first two have potent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that can fight harmful pathogens in our bodies. On the other hand, coriander is an excellent source of manganese, magnesium, and iron.

Curry also contains chilies, black pepper, cinnamon, spices that can help slow down one’s appetite. They are perfect for people who want to maintain healthy body weight. Chilies also have capsaicin, a chemical that releases the happy hormones endorphins and lowers blood pressure.

The key to maximizing curry’s health benefits is to take it easy with salt and meat. It would be best to load it with vegetables that provide nutritional fibers.

3. British colonialists in the 18th century invented the word “curry.”

The word “curry” comes from the Indian or Tamil word “Kari,” which means “sauce .” At first, the curry wasn’t the usual spicy dish that is popular today, but when Columbus arrived in India, he bought various spices that led to the complex flavor profile of the dish.

4. Curry’s stains come from its blend of spices.

The golden yellow stains of curry come from the blend of spices, including gram masala saffron, and cumin. However, turmeric is the one that causes the stain to be so stubborn. This spice contains curcumin, a yellow molecule often used for drying clothes.


Curry is a delectable dish that’s nourishing and filling. However, when you accidentally spill its golden-yellow sauce on your clothes, it can be challenging to remove.

When this happens, you can follow the instructions on how to get curry out of clothes using products you have in your kitchen or medicine cabinet.

how to get curry out of clothes

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